I have a life ot death question I got a phone call from Investors Group, spoke with them in person and they suggested the following life insurance product. This life insurance is offered by Canada Life and is called : Participating Life Insurance - Wealth Achiever
This is what they told me: The main benefit of that product is that all the investments made are tax deductible and not taxable when withdrawn(kinda like a TFSA but no 5000$ limit) However if i commit to a certain amount per month and need to make the payment otherwise there are penalties (getting smaller the closer you get to 20 years).

The example they gave me, If i put 25 000$ a year (way to much for me btw) in 20 years i can withdraw ~ 620 000$ tax free, and every year after that the amount was considerably higher. Basically, i get a 120 000$ return with 500 000$ after 20 years. That's good but the every year tax deduction is what attracts me the most.
I'll get a call within a week to buy that insurance, but since i find it to good to be true, i'm starting to have doubts.

Any useful imput would be appreciated.